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Macao Startup Club presents you events and workshops for the community, for everyone joining our events, please help us to fill-in the survey to help us improve.
- Wed, May 22McSorley's Ale HouseMcSorley's Ale House, Macao, 路氹城金光大道望德聖母灣大馬路澳門威尼斯人度假村酒店大運河購物中心1038舖Join us for an enjoyable evening of networking, where you can engage in meaningful conversations and build relationships with like-minded individuals. The event encourages open discussions, allowing you to share insights, exchange ideas, and seek advice from experienced professionals within the entr
- Sun, Apr 28369 合伙小鎮369 合伙小鎮, 五樓, Edificio Industrial Hip Va, 123號 Av. do Alm. Lacerda, MacaoUnlock the secrets to successful fundraising. Join us now!
- Sat, Jul 29Funny Eye Tasting Room 趣眼空間Funny Eye Tasting Room 趣眼空間, 澳门新勝街68-DD,新業樓地下A鋪【係刻板唔係黑板】 - 社會上有形形色色嘅人,大家所背負及形式嘅文化都有所不同,因此導致到大家對唔同嘅事物同埋人人都會有既定嘅印象。 澳門呢一個小城,俾人嘅第一個既定印象就係賭城,但係喺呢個小城裏便苦苦掙扎嘅我哋,係咪除咗賭錢就咩都唔識呢? - 🗣️「我係你我就安安份份」 🗣️「點啊?你得唔得㗎?」 🗣️「吓,澳門人唔識賭錢?」 -- 🍴今次既主題- 刻板篇🍴 🍻 日期:29 July 2023 (SAT) ⏰ 時間:20:00-22:30 📍 地點:Funny eye tasting room (澳門新勝街68-DD,新業樓地下A鋪)
- Thu, Jul 28Online EventOnline Event疫下一切安好嗎? 疫境不要怕 圍爐取個暖🔥 把握機會交流下創業 來碰撞下新機遇 😆
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