Sat, Feb 08
|369 Co-op Town
新年「賞」見你 New Year Rewards Just4U
今個星期六——會員新春聚會! This Saturday—CNY Members Meet ! 🧧 (Entrance fee: MOP100)
Time & Location
Feb 08, 2025, 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
369 Co-op Town, Edificio Industrial Hip Va, 123 Av. do Alm. Lacerda, Macao
About the event
拿拿拿,今個星期六下晝3點半就係我哋一年一度嘅新春會員聚會,小編覺得新年黎拜年嘅你哋冇理由冇禮物收嘅,今次就當係提前慶祝蛇年大吉回饋返俾各位支持我哋嘅粉絲~😆 澳門創業俱樂部將連同 369 合伙小鎮,為每一位到場參與嘅會員*免費送上*價值澳門幣 369 元嘅「369個人會籍」!會籍內容非常精彩,又送免費工作空間,又有折扣優惠,包你黎咗會笑口常開!
So… This Saturday will be our annual CNY members meet. As part of the Bai Neen (“house visit”) tradition, the host usually prepares gifts for everyone that visits to give their festive greetings. We thought we’d do so too to thank you for your continuous support. This time, the Macao Startup Club, in partnership with the 369 Co-op Town, will be rewarding every guest that attended our event a FREE* membership! Benefits include complimentary access to the public coworking space and discounted consultation, make sure to sign up and attend on Saturday! 😆
*Terms & Conditions apply
Name: Macao Startup Club CNY Members Meet
Date: 8 Feb 2025 (Sat) 3:30PM to 5:30PM